welCome tO thE new Gaisf weBsite

Welcome to the new GAISF website which features our bold logo and fresh brand style.
In a world of instant communication there’s more truth than ever in the saying that ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression’ and I hope you’ll agree that our new-look succeeds in making a positive impact.
The fresh brand identity represents the beginning of a new era for GAISF but it is important to remember that the changes in our organisation go beyond the visual to the very heart of our mission.
I believe that GAISF today has a clear sense of purpose and is structured, organised and resourced in a way that makes it even more effective as a service provider to members at a time of great change in the world of sport and beyond.
With new sports and fresh variants of established sports taking root all over the world, GAISF has a more important role than ever in helping members maximise their potential and make the journey from the base of the Olympic pyramid -as new members- through the ranks of AIMS and ARIFS. Some, like Karate, Baseball / Softball, Surfing, Sports Climbing and Skateboarding, which will be seen at Tokyo 2020, will achieve their goal of a place on the Olympic programme while others will debut at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. We are proud to have helped them.
We’re able to do so because we walk in step with the International Olympic Committee and share common values and objectives which allow us to work in alignment to deliver the best possible results. I am looking forward to signing a Memorandum of understanding with the IOC to cement our understanding.
Thanks to our members’ unanimous approval at the General Assembly in Aarhus earlier this year we are also better structured to achieve our goals. Working effectively in the international sports movement demands continuity and transparency of governance and the vote to adopt a rotating two-year Presidency shared between the groups representing Olympic and Non-Olympic sports guarantees that GAISF will continue to operate consensually in the interests of all members.
The world of sport is changing and we need to be nimble and responsive to serve our members in the most effective way. To this end we are working to finalise a membership process and criteria which meet the needs of applicants and established members and to create efficient forums to share know-hoe and allow all of them to grow. Because of what has been achieved in the last 18 months or so from where I stand the future looks bright. If we can provide the best environment for the athletes in our respective sports, it is full of exciting developments for sport, for the IFs, for GAISF and for the Olympic Movement.